Open Morning Friday 11th October 9 - 10:15am

Cashless catering account

Cashless Catering Account


All students will have an online account for cashless catering. As well as being used to purchase items from the school dining facilities, this account is also used to pay for educational visits and events such as the annual sports presentation evening.

Further information on how to set up the cashless catering account will be issued before students start with us.

Accounts are topped up online, and parents/carers can view the account online to see what items have been purchased. Accounts cannot go overdrawn, so students must ensure they have enough credit on their account before choosing items to purchase. If a student does not have money for lunch, a member of staff in student services, will ring a parent/carer to seek permission to give an emergency credit voucher, which must be repaid the next day.

Students who are entitled to free school meals will receive the money (currently £2.75 per day) directly into their online account. They can choose to spend this money at break or lunchtime. If students would like to spend more than £2.75 per day the account will need to be topped up online by a parent/carer. Any money not spent that day cannot be carried forward.

In the event of any problems with the account, students should go to the finance office. Parents/carers can ring into school (01637 872076) or email reception on