Open Evening Tuesday 24th September 2024, 4.30 - 7 pm

Break and Lunchtimes

Break and Lunchtimes
At break and lunchtimes students all go outside to get some fresh air. This is so important to us all, and helps maintain our wellbeing. Students must bring a coat to school, as we still go outside in less favourable weather. Students may bring their own food and drink with them at break time, as well as lunch time. Students may eat in the hall or outside. There are some clubs available at break and lunchtimes (these are updated termly), and the library is often open for access at these times too.

The Dining Hall operates a cashless payment system. Money is pre-loaded onto the student’s account online and they are able to pay for meals using a PIN number. A student may bring a packed lunch if they prefer.

Students are asked to use the toilet facilities during break times and to not leave lessons unless for a medical reason (in which case a medical card will be issued).